Artnovion Avalon Flow

Luo tyylikäs akustoiva / diffusoiva seinä yhdistelemällä eri moduleita. 

Malli / mitat:
Avalon Flow I | 595x595x110mm
Avalon Flow II | 595x595x110mm
Avalon Flow III | 595x595x110mm
Avalon Flow IV | 595x595x110mm
Avalon Flow V | 595x595x45mm

Paneleissa integroitu kiinnitysjärjestelmä.

Kysy mahdollisuuksista ja asennuksesta ennen tilausta !

Valitse variaatio:

329,00 €
Hinta sis. ALV

A high-performance acoustic core with a carefully calibrated diffuser design.

Recommended for

- Hi-Fi Listening Room

- Media Room

- Home Cinema

- Living Room

This highly efficient and sustainable Avalon Flow can be easily mounted on walls and ceilings.
Combines Absorption and diffusion. 

Available Fire Rate:
FG | Furniture Grade

- Natural wood veneer | Lacquered HMDF
- Marine grade plywood structural frame
- Calibrated cell acoustic foam

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