Artnovion Alps W -Diffusor

Omnidirectional Primitive Root and Geometric Diffuser

Useita viimeistelyvaihtoehtoja, valitse haluamasi viimeistely.

Mikäli valitset omavalintaisen RAL -värikartan värin, kerro värikoodi lisätiedoissa.

Hinta / kpl

Valitse variaatio:

650,00 €
Hinta sis. ALV Veroton hinta 517,93 €


Alps is a hybrid primitive root / geometric diffuser, made from premium solid wood.
Its characteristic two-dimensional optimized primitive root tunes the start of its diffusion range to lower frequencies. At the upper limit of the PRD's effectiveness, the angled blocks provide geometric diffusion, originating broadband scattering and diffusion responses.
Alps solid construction allows the panel to properly diffuser over its full range without losing energy to internal structural resonances.
With an easy installation procedure, Alps W Diffuser is available in a wide variety of finishes, including lacquered surfaces.

Perfect reflection control on an elegant and fully optimized panel.

Recommended for:

- Hi-Fi Listening Room- Media Room
- Home Cinema

Made from wood, a sustainable and renewable source, it's unique design is a welcome addition to any space.
Perfect reflection control on an elegant and fully optimised panel.

This product is available in the following Fire Rate:
FG | Furniture Grade
Alps | Natural wood
- Natural wood
- Solid wood
Alps | Lacquered wood
- Lacquered wood
- Solid wood
Alps | 595x595x152mm
Integrated Fixing System


(FG - LW) Lacquered Wood Finishes

FG | (L06) Noir Vintage

FG | (L07) Graphite Black

FG | (L09) Classic Gold

FG | (L10) Bronze

FG | (L20) Grey Aluminium

FG | (L21) Gloss White

FG | (L22) Jet Black

FG | Custom RAL

(FG - NW) Natural Wood Finishes

FG | (W04) Fagus